上海进口二手机器人物流报关公司 国际着名机器人品牌:ABB (瑞典),Cloos 克鲁斯(德国),Comau 柯马(意大利),Denso 电装(日本),Fanuc 发那科(日本),HYUNDA I现代(韩国),IGM 艾杰莫(奥地利),Kaw* i川崎(日本),KOMATSU 小松(日本),Kuka 库卡(德国),Mitsubishi 三菱(日本),MOTOMAN 安川(日本),Motoman 莫托曼(日本),NaChi 可能越(日本),OTC (DAIHEN Corporation) 欧地希(日本),Reis 莱斯(意大利),SIASUN 新松(中国),staubli 史陶比尔(瑞士)等 =====================================================?? 二手工业机器人进口报关清关流程及注意事项 新的机器人可以直接发货到目的港口办理报关手续,广东的客人亦可以选择发货到中国香港,从皇岗口岸办理进口报关,完成之后再用中港车提货到您工厂。 1, the new robot can be shipped directly to the port of destination customs in Guangdong, guests can also choose the delivery to Hongkong, from Huanggang import customs declaration, and after the completion of delivery to your car factory in Hong kong. 如果是二手的工业机器人呢,您就不能直接发货到目的港口了,因为中国检验检疫局规定,所有二手的机械设备进口之前必须完成中检检验,取得中检证书后方可入境报关,如果发货地不适合做中检,可以选择发货到腾达中国香港仓库办理,腾达仓库是中检*仓库,对于各类突发特殊情况有很多实操经验。 2, if the industrial robot used it, you cannot be shipped directly to the port of destination, because the provisions of China inspection and Quarantine Bureau, must be completed in the inspection before all mechanical equipment imported second-hand, made the inspection certificate before entry declaration, if delivery is not suitable to do the inspection, you can choose the delivery to Tengda Hongkong warehouse management, warehouse in Tengda is seized in the designated warehouse, for all kinds of unexpected special circumstances there are a lot of practical experience. =====================================================?? 问:进口旧机电需要装运前检验,如何与境外装运前检验机构联系? 答:可以在旧机电产品进口前联系,系统备案审批后,联系海外CCIC检验公司做装运期检验检疫也叫中国检验认证(集团)有限公司如下: 1、中国检验有限公司(注册于中国香港) 2、中国检验认证集团北美有限公司(注册于美国洛杉矶) 3、中国检验认证集团日本有限公司(注册于日本大阪) 4、中国检验认证集团欧洲有限公司(注册于荷兰鹿特丹) 5、中国检验认证集团不来梅有限公司(注册于德国不来梅) 6、中国检验认证集团伦敦有限公司(注册于英国伦敦) 7、中国检验认证集团马赛有限公司(注册于法国马赛) 8、中国检验认证集团加拿大有限公司(注册于加拿大温哥华) 9、中国检验认证集团韩国有限公司(注册于韩国首尔) 10、中国检验认证集团澳大利亚有限公司(注册于澳大利亚悉尼) 11、中国检验认证集团新加坡有限公司(注册于新加坡) 12、中国检验认证集团西班牙有限公司(注册于西班牙巴塞罗那) 13、中国检验认证集团中国澳门有限公司(注册于中国中国澳门) 14、中国香港商中检实业有限公司闽台分公司(注册于中国闽台) Answer: you can contact the?import?of used mechanical and electrical products before filing for approval system, contact the overseas company to do CCIC inspection of shipment inspection and quarantine inspection and certification is also called China (Group) Co. Ltd. are as follows: 1, China Inspection Company Limited (registered in Hongkong Chinese) 2, Ccic North America Inc (registered in Losangeles) 3, China Certification Inspection Group Co., Japan (the company registered in Osaka, Japan) 4 Chinese certification inspection group Europe Limited (registered in Holland, Rotterdam) 5 China certification and inspection group Bremen Co. Ltd (registered in Bremen, Germany 6 Ccic London Company Ltd registered in London) 7, Chinese certification inspection group Limited (registered in Marseille Marseille) 8, Ccic Canada Inc (registered in Vancouver Canada) 9, Chinese certification inspection group Korea Co. Ltd (registered in Seoul, South Korea) 10 China certification inspection group Bp Australia Limited (registered in Sydney Australia) 11, Chinese certification inspection group Singapore Limited (registered in Singapore), 12 Ccic Spain Ltd (registered in Barcelona Spain) 13, Chinese certification inspection group Pbl Macau Ltd (registered in Macao China) 14, Hongkong's Industrial Co., Ltd. Taiwan branch inspection (registered in Taiwan Chinese) =====================================================?? 取得中检证书后,方可驳船到目的港口办理报关手续。 3, inspection certificate, shall go through the formalities for customs declaration to the port of destination barge. 二:二手多功能工业机器人进口港口清关注意点: 口岸的监管部门查验货品,分为商检查货和海关查货。查货的要求,货主、报检员和报关员、监管部门的科员,同时在场。货主,必须派一位相关熟识所进口货物功能性能的技术员到场,以满足监管部门在查验过程中的技术提问。 1, the port regulatory authorities to inspect the goods, divided into commodity inspection and inspection of goods. Inspection requirements, inspection and customs declaration, the owner, supervision department staff, at the same time there. The owner must send a relevant proper import function performance of goods technicians arrived at the scene, in order to meet the supervision departments in the inspection process of the technical questions. 进口机电,尤其是进口二手机电,在货主心里,要求安全,快读,手续接近标准化。首先,通常来说,安全性是没有问题的,因为进口货物在放行前,一直在海关监管下的码头摆放着,货物没有经过人手,一直摆放在集装箱里。而码头的装卸,也是标准化的常常规性作业。我认为,进口速度,应该是货主的大诉求,毕竟,货畅其流,可以加快投入使用或加速贸易资金周转。这个也是检验进口代理供应商的服务指标之一。 2, the import of mechanical and electrical, especially imported second-hand machinery, the owner in the heart, safety, fast reading, close to the standard procedures. First of all, generally speaking, security is no problem, because the import of goods before the release, has been placed under the customs supervision of the pier, the goods have not been hand, has been placed in the container. The dock loading and unloading, but also standardized regular operations. I think the import speed should be the biggest appeal, the owner of the cargo, after all, can be put into use or accelerated trade accelerate capital turnover. This is also one of the indicators of service to check the import agent. 3、选择进口代理服务公司的时候,当然,要咨询其能否代垫码头、仓储等小费用等客观操作情况,别看这些小环节,有时候却能为货主节省人力物力。 3, when the import agent services, of course, to consult whether on behalf of terminals and storage and other small cost operation objective, don't look at these small links, sometimes it can save manpower for the owner. =====================================================?? 多功能工业机器人,HS code:8479501000,关税0,海关容易将HS Code 归为机器人手臂(8428909090,关税5%) 万享供应链服务港口分公司:上海(总部)、大连港、天津港、青岛港、北京机场、宁波港、广州港、厦门港、深圳港、成都机场、武汉等欢迎来电咨询洽谈。 ---------------------万享的精神:服务更好,速度更快,价格更优。------------------------ 进口清关报关联系人:林先生 上海: 021-60870667 联系Q (微信) 地址:上海市浦东新区张扬路3611号金桥国际商业广场6座906-908室 覆盖:大连,上海,宁波,苏州,青岛,天津,广州,深圳,成都,北京 ----------------------万享的精神:服务更好,速度更快,价格更优。------------------------